Since part of the focus in the Bible Binder is to help create a sense of chronology for the Bible stories, we chose to take a break with this lesson and create a delineation between 'The Beginning of the World' and 'The Beginning of the Israelite Nation'. Hence Creation through the Tower of Babel has ended, and the next section will take us through the life of Abraham.
Our binder activity for this lesson is kept in a sheet protector. The following sheets were printed out for each child. Download the first sheet
here and the second sheet
here. The original website for the pictures are the bottom of this post.

The children colored the pictures and marked the back of each picture with their initials. Then each child cut the pictures apart and put them in chronological order as quickly as possible. Every so often we order these pictures again, even adding the pictures from the next section when the children are able to handle the added challenge. When not in use, the pictures are stored in the sheet protector with a single piece of double-stick tape at the top in the middle to hold the sheet protector closed and keep the pictures safely tucked inside.
The pictures represent the following stories from top to bottom and left to right with their chronological order following.
"God Created"=Creation (1)
Snake=the Fall (2)
Two men & baseball bat=Cain and Able (3)
Baby=Seth (4)
Two women and man with baseball bat=Lamech, first man mentioned in the Bible to have 2 wives (5)
Two men, clouds & bird=Enoch walking with God (6)
Noah (7)
Wine & glasses=Noah gets drunk (8)
Tower of Babel (9)

We chose an activity with a take-home treat for this celebration, using balloons, cheap hard candy, and permenent markers. We inserted one piece of candy in each balloon (off-brand Werther's candy from Walmart, 30 pieces for a dollar), inflated the balloons and then wrote the answers to our questions on the balloons using permanent markers. Then we circled the children outside on the grass and let the balloons loose in the middle. We asked each child a question in turn, then the child searched for the balloon with the correct answer and popped it without using their hands or mouths. The candy was then theirs to keep. Obviously any treat can be substituted, such as stickers if desired. The other children were kept busy by keeping the balloons coralled. If the grass in your area is prickly and likely to cause balloons to pop, you can instead run a piece of twine or rope between two trees and tape or laundry-pin the balloons to the roap. The children can then choose the correct balloon and pull it from the line, then pop it on the ground.
The questions we used are found
here. Feel free to ask the same question to more than one child, but make sure you have a balloon for each time the answer is used.