Jacob and Esau Reunite

Genesis 33

This binder project is courtesy of www.sky.cgi.org with the original website found here and the downloadable sheet found here.  Simply find the animals that are hidden in the picture.

Our craft is courtesy of www.anotherdonkeydesign.blogspot.com with the original website found here.  The idea is to make a toilet paper roll of a person (Esau or Jacob, although we allowed the kids to choose whatever person or theme they wanted) with an expression that changes, just as God changed Esau's heart.  The children used acrylic craft paints to decorate the outside of the toilet paper roll, cutting out the space for the face (we chose to do this part ourselves with a razor blade, although scissors will work as well.)  We gave each child a piece of card stock paper cut to the depth of the toilet paper roll, then they rolled that into a tube and taped it so it could fit inside the toilet paper roll.  We also chose to tape a popsicle stick to the inside of the card stock tube so the entire tube could be easily turned inside the toilet paper roll.  The kids then drew different expressions on the part of the card stock that showed through the hole in the toilet paper roll, turning the card stock to make a new expression, ect.  The picture below is courtesy of the original website.